Prevent Child Abuse Nevada
Community Training & Classes
Our training helps Nevadans to identify and implement strategies to support the wellbeing of children in our communities. Some topics include recognizing and reporting child maltreatment, child sexual abuse prevention, selecting safe caregivers for children, the effects of stress on children’s brain development, and tactics to build healthy families and communities. Many of our presentations are available in English and Spanish.
Contact us for Availability
If you are interested or need more information on any of our classes call 702-895-5053 or email our trainers directly.
Program Coordinator
Mayra Pacheco
Training Flyer (English) | (Spanish)
For Parents
Classes are one hour long and available in English and Spanish
The Choose your Partner and Caregiver Carefully
Available in Southern and Northern Nevada
Everyone knows there are times when you have to leave your child with another person. It’s hard to imagine someone you love or trust could hurt your child, but it happens. Many children are harmed each year by adults who don’t know how to take care of a child, especially when the child is crying or being difficult. The purpose of this course is to provide information on how to carefully select safe caregivers for children, including identifying warning signs and behaviors in potential significant others, babysitters, or other individuals that may care for children.
Enough Abuse: Strategies for your Family and the Community
Available in Southern and Northern Nevada
Enough Abuse! This educational program provides strategies for adults to take responsibility for preventing child sexual abuse. Learn how to recognize behaviors in adults that suggest someone might pose a sexual risk to children, and to recognize signs a child might have been sexually abused
Healthy Families, Healthy Communities
Available in Southern and Northern Nevada
This class, appropriate for all types of community organizations, focuses on tactics for building strong family foundations and community connections, enabling communities to prevent neglect and abuse through forming interconnected support systems.
Speak up for your Family: Advocacy 101
Available in Southern Nevada
Learn the basics of what makes up advocacy and discover how this process can help you achieve a better outcome for yourself, your family, and your community.
Triple P: The Power of Positive Parenting
Available in Southern Nevada
This seminar introduces the five key principles of positive parenting: Ensuring a safe engaging environment, creating a positive learning environment, using assertive discipline, having reasonable expectations, and looking after yourself as a parent.
Triple P: Raising Confident, Competent Children
Available in Southern Nevada
In this seminar, parents are introduced to six core building blocks for children to become confident and successful at school and beyond. These competencies are: Showing respect to others, being considerate, having good communication and social skills, having healthy self-esteem, being a good problem solver, and becoming independent. !
Triple P: Raising Resilient Children
Available in Southern Nevada
Parents are introduced to six core building blocks for children to manage their feelings and become resilient in dealing with life stress. These competencies are: Recognizing and accepting feelings, expressing feelings appropriately, building a positive outlook, developing coping skills, dealing with negative feelings, and dealing with stressful life events.
For Providers
Classes are one hour long and available in English and Spanish. CEUs are available when requested.
Recognize and Report Child Maltreatment
Available in Southern and Northern Nevada
Child maltreatment is not selective; it exists in all segments of our society. This training will teach individuals how to recognize characteristics of child maltreatment in children and abusive parents, define a mandated reporter, identify steps in reporting suspected child maltreatment, and resources for families and caregivers.
Enough Abuse: Preventing Child Sexual Abuse
Available in Southern and Northern Nevada
Enough Abuse! This educational program discusses the nature and scope of child abuse, from inappropriate boundary violations to illegal sexual abuse of children or teens. It also provides elements of proper screening of prospective staff and how to respond to disclosure of sexual abuse or misconduct.
Toxic Stress and Child Development
Available in Southern and Northern Nevada
A child’s earliest years are the most crucial for brain development. Living in stressful environments can negatively affect a child’s emotional, social, and physical development. Through this training, attendees will be provided with an overview of how stress can affect brain development, and be shown how to identify potentially unsafe children and the steps to take when suspicion arises.
Working with Parents in Culturally Competent Ways
Available in Southern Nevada
Cultural competence is the ability to work with families and learn practices to respect cultural preferences and increase family responsiveness. This session provides participants with an overview of the relationship between culture and parental functions to become more proficient at recognizing important cultural factors, understanding how culture influences parental functions, and learning strategies to address cultural issues during parent interventions.
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