Prevent Child Abuse Nevada
Child Maltreatment in Nevada
As a society, we have a collective responsibility to prevent children from experiencing physical abuse, including AHT (Abusive Head Trauma) and corporal punishment.
To Report Child Abuse
If you think a child is in immediate danger, call the police at 911.
Washoe County (Reno/Sparks)
Clark County (Las Vegas/Henderson)
Other Counties
Other Counties (Afterhours, Weekend & Holidays)
Nevada Child Abuse Prevention
In Nevada, abuse or neglect of a child means physical or mental non-accidental injury; sexual abuse or sexual exploitation; or negligent treatment or maltreatment of a child under the age of 18 caused or allowed by a person responsible for his welfare.
- Physical Abuse includes non-accidental physical injuries to a child such as a sprain or dislocation of an arm or leg; damage to cartilage tissues, such as a broken nose; fracture of a bone or the skull; injury to an internal organ; burns or scalding; cuts, lacerations, punctures or bites; permanent or temporary disfigurement; or a permanent or temporary loss or impairment of a part or organ of the body.
- Emotional abuse or “mental injury” means an injury to the intellectual or psychological capacity or the emotional condition of a child. This type of injury results in observable and substantial impairment of a child’s ability to function within his normal range of performance or behavior.
- Sexual abuse occurs when sex acts are performed with children.
- Sexual exploitation occurs when children are forced, allowed, or encouraged to engage in prostitution, pornography or to engage in any other type of sexual activity such as posing for live sex shows.
- Negligent treatment or maltreatment of a child occurs if a child has been abandoned, is without proper care, control and supervision or lacks the subsistence, education, shelter, medical care, or other care necessary for the well-being of the child. This includes leaving young children unsupervised or alone, locked out in or out of the house.
When in doubt, call it out!
Are you concerned about a child who may be abused or neglected? Watch this video to learn more:
Facts About Child Abuse
- Child abuse, contrary to popular belief, occurs in all cultural, ethnic, occupational, and socioeconomic groups.
- National Center on Child Abuse and Neglect estimates over two million children are abused or neglected each year.
- Abuse is a vicious circle– usually passed on from generation to generation.
- Abusers can be friends, neighbors, and relatives.
- Parents are the most frequent perpetrators of child abuse.
- The most common cause of death in children under age six is due to child abuse.
- One out of every four children will experience some form of sexual abuse before the age of 18.
- Offenders will continue to abuse without intervention and treatment.
Resource: Children’s Bureau, Administration of Children and Families, US Dept of Health and Human Services
Mandated Reporters
The Nevada Revised Statute, Chapter 432B, Protection of Children from Abuse and Neglect, requires any person who has reasonable cause to believe child abuse may be occurring or has occurred to make a report to a Child Protective Services (CPS) or law enforcement agency.
Required reporters include: emergency medical personnel, physician, dentist, dental hygienist, chiropractors, optometrists, podiatric physicians, medical examiners, professional or practical nurses, physician’s assistants, psychiatrists, psychologists, marriage and family therapists, clinical social workers, musical therapists, alcohol or drug abuse counselor, other medical services licensed or certified in Nevada; personnel of a licensed medical facility, coroner; clergyman; social worker; any person working in a school; child care provider of the private or public facility; any person licensed to conduct a foster home; officer or employee of a law enforcement agency or an adult or juvenile probation officer; attorney under certain circumstances; volunteer for an agency which advises persons regarding child abuse or neglect.
In addition, any person who delivers or provides medical services to a newborn infant and who, in his professional or occupational capacity, knows or has reasonable cause to believe that the newborn infant has been affected by prenatal illegal substance abuse or has withdrawal symptoms resulting from prenatal drug exposure is a mandated reporter.
A mandated reporter who knowingly and willfully fails to report child abuse or neglect is guilty of a misdemeanor for the first violation, and a gross misdemeanor for each subsequent violation.