Prevent Child Abuse Nevada

Parent Advisory Group

The Parent Advisory Group consists of parents and caregivers in the state of Nevada, working collectively toward ensuring that Nevada’s children thrive in safe, stable, nurturing environments and relationships by providing education, advocacy, and awareness. Members of the group provide guidance and parenting expertise on programs and material created to meet this goal.

Emily Warren

Emily Warren-Robertson is a licensed Social Worker who has worked in Nevada for the last 6 years. She believes being in the Parent Advisory Group and focusing on child abuse prevention is important to give Nevada’s children safe spaces in the community. Nurturing children at home brings better life experiences that carries them through academics, extracurricular activities, as well as positive friendships and relationships through adulthood. Emily is part of a large a multigenerational Jewish family and is raising her multiracial daughter to be strong, goal-oriented, and to stand up for others.

Arielle Rollins

My name is Arielle. I am a mother of 3 children two boys and my baby girl. Six years ago we moved to Las Vegas from Nashville, Tennessee and have been enjoying Las Vegas ever since. My children and  I are indeed artistic. My children’s comfort zone is their creativity and exploring their minds.

This is the reason why child abuse prevention is so important to me is because as a parent it is our duty to protect our children not to abuse our children. If our children can’t rely on us as parents for protection and safety who else can they rely on? As parents our main focus for our children is their safety within our household and outside of our household.

We are here to comfort, educate, nurture, and love our children unconditionally in their time of need.

Jennifer McCann

Jennifer McCann is a second generation Nevadan and lives in Reno. She is devoted to helping children and families in our state. She is a dedicated and passionate advocate for child welfare and is honored to serve on the Prevent Child Abuse Nevada Advisory Board. Jennifer currently works with abused children in a legal setting; in addition, her background includes working with educators and children in an early childhood setting.

Jennifer understands the long-lasting impact abuse can have on a child’s physical, emotional, and psychological wellbeing. No child should ever be in a situation where they have to tell someone “No!” because they are experiencing abuse, but it happens and it real! All children deserve the right of being safe and happy! Jennifer actively seeks to raise awareness, educate parents, and provide support systems to prevent child abuse within the state of Nevada.

Jennifer enjoys spending time with her family and one of their favorite things to do is go camping.

Samantha Hernandez

April Thomas

Jennifer McCann is a second generation Nevadan and lives in Reno. She is devoted to helping children and families in our state. She is a dedicated and passionate advocate for child welfare and is honored to serve on the Prevent Child Abuse Nevada Advisory Board. Jennifer currently works with abused children in a legal setting; in addition, her background includes working with educators and children in an early childhood setting.

Jennifer understands the long-lasting impact abuse can have on a child’s physical, emotional, and psychological wellbeing. No child should ever be in a situation where they have to tell someone “No!” because they are experiencing abuse, but it happens and it real! All children deserve the right of being safe and happy! Jennifer actively seeks to raise awareness, educate parents, and provide support systems to prevent child abuse within the state of Nevada.

Jennifer enjoys spending time with her family and one of their favorite things to do is go camping.

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